2008 - Ehapa free postcard for "Hommage an Albert Uderzo"

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2008 - Ehapa free postcard for "Hommage an Albert Uderzo"

Beitrag: #Beitrag collectionnix »


I search information about these free postcard (scans of each side if possible, to add this on my website)...

(picture from eBay)

And if anyone can help me to have one... :D

Regards from Gaul
AsterIX Druid
Beiträge: 8176
Registriert: 8. August 2004 17:55
Wohnort: Deutschland

Re: 2008 - Ehapa free postcard for "Hommage an Albert Uderzo"

Beitrag: #Beitrag Erik »

Hello collectionnix,
collectionnix hat geschrieben:I search information about these free postcard (scans of each side if possible, to add this on my website)...
as I have this card, I can give you some pieces of information. But I am unable to help you with a scan, because I do not have a scanner.

This card is part of the Ehapa-Verlag's (German Asterix publisher) press kit for the German edition of the hommage album "Asterix et ses amis" (= "Asterix und seine Freunde"). It's 14,8 cm x 20,4 cm in size.

On the backside we see Obelix on the lower left corner, laughing like on the hommage album's cover, but mirror-inverted. The "Hihihihi" "Hihoha Ha" is all over the left side of the postcard's backside. The "stamp" is also filled with "Hihihi Hoha" (laughters). It is in black and white. The copyright note is from 2007.
collectionnix hat geschrieben:And if anyone can help me to have one...
Unfortunately not. You are a bit late for this. :sad: Some time ago there were several of these cards on eBay.de. But I just checked and couldn't find another one at the moment.

I'm sorry, that I cannot help you in a more effective manner. But at this occasion, I'd like to tell you, that your site helped me a lot, just a week ago or so with some information about international phonecards. So it was possible for me to decide, which cards at eBay were worth buying and which ones were just incomplete sets. Great to have a reliable source of information about this on the internet. :-)

While I was looking around there, I noticed, that you did not mention the Olympic Games series from Willcom yet. Is it just too new to be mentioned or didn't you know about it? Or did I oversaw it at last?

"Alle sollt ihr noch sehen, daß ich habe recht!" (Erik der Blonde, Die große Überfahrt, S. 5)

Re: 2008 - Ehapa free postcard for "Hommage an Albert Uderzo"

Beitrag: #Beitrag collectionnix »

Hi Erik,

Thanks for your post, I'm happy to know my work can help others fans 8)

I know these phonecards, but I just had repaired my computer this week (harddisk failure :hammer: ), I need some time to restore my data and to make the next update of the website... :P

Thanks for information about this postcard...

I hope someone can help to find one ;-) (maybe one in a dark corner which nobody want)
