Asterix et ses amis - in English

Let's talk about Asterix here...

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Asterix et ses amis - in English

Beitrag: #Beitrag Sukisuix »

I recently purchased this book and thought it was very good, but I would love to read it in English. So I contacted Orion Books about it this morning. And I got a very nice reply from an Ian Marshall, who said:-
"Many thanks for contacting us regarding the 80th birthday celebration book for M Uderzo. I am afraid that we have decided not to publish an English language version of the book, as we did not feel there was a sufficiently large market for it in this country and abroad. Sorry not to have more positive news, but thank you for your interest."

So I am sorry for the other Asterix fans who like me, can only read in English, but we will not be getting this one published :cry:
Zuletzt geändert von Sukisuix am 15. Juli 2007 16:11, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

Beitrag: #Beitrag Wenleyix3 »

Thats unfortunate, but I guessed this would be the case - it is quite niche and we are unfamiliar with these European artists. Its nice to see you could get a speedy response from Orion though.

Do you think it is still worth buying for the artwork?

Beitrag: #Beitrag Sukisuix »

Wenleyix3 hat geschrieben:Do you think it is still worth buying for the artwork?
Yes, I really enjoyed looking through it and seeing the way others have drawn Asterix, Obelix and others. Even though we do not know the artists, I think it still would have been nice to have it in English, maybe limited edition.

The book is a good edition to my collection, and will be looked at many times I am sure of that.