Asterix "kaugummifiguren" premium figures from Germany

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Moderator: Jochgem


Asterix "kaugummifiguren" premium figures from Germany

Beitrag: #Beitrag kammpay »

Im a premium figures collector from Spain and Im looking for information about how many promotions gifted asterix figures (unpainted) in Germany, it is possilbe?

AsterIX Elder Council Member
Beiträge: 456
Registriert: 13. November 2001 11:58
Wohnort: Leiden, The Netherlands

Re: Asterix "kaugummifiguren" premium figures from Germany

Beitrag: #Beitrag Jochgem »

Hello kammpay,

The most extensive site on Asterix collectables in Germany is *this* site that hosts the forum.
Figurines are listed under Figuren.
Look for Kunststoff: Wikö / Americana (Kaugummifiguren)
Serie 1, 40 Teile (1968 - 1970)
Serie 2, 31 Teile (70er Jahre)
Serie 3, 20 Teile (70er Jahre)
In the German part of this forum there have been extensive discussions on the available variants, colours, prices, marks, etc. I think that one of the specialists here can help you further.
Hendrik Jan

Asterix in 100+ translations at:

Re: Asterix "kaugummifiguren" premium figures from Germany

Beitrag: #Beitrag kammpay »

Thank you very much!
I would like to talk firs about 40 figures collection (only Germany)
I know only 3 collections in Germany (40 figures)

1. Wikö

2. Americana

3. Unknown. In the same colors that Artistocats and Lucky luke (smalls)

The cuestions: Wikö and Americana have the same colors? Who gifted the 3.Unknown? There is any serie more in Germany 40 figures or less?
