The best way to read 'Asterix'.

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The best way to read 'Asterix'.

Beitrag: #Beitrag Pinky »

I really loved 'Asterix and Cleopatra' when I had to write an essay on it for Comparative Literature. I now fancy reading the other books. In your opinion is it better to read them all in the correct order (does it make a difference?) and if not which books should I read and which (if any) should I avoid for being rubbish?

Re: The best way to read 'Asterix'.

Beitrag: #Beitrag Sukisuix »

In my opinion it is best to read the books in the order they were written, when reading Asterix for the first time.  This way you will see how Asterix and the other characters develop.  Then you can make your own mind up which ones you think are worth reading over and over again.  As you will see from other threads we all have our favourites and those we prefer not to read.

Re: The best way to read 'Asterix'.

Beitrag: #Beitrag Pinky »

That is, to be honest, the way I would like to go about it as I am a complete-ist and an in-the-right-order-ist!! I just wondered if perhaps the books had nothing to do with each other and it wouldn't make a difference as I am suspicious that it may be difficult to get through all the books if I am waiting for a particular one if one's hard to get or whatever... But, it seems that you're saying they do benefit from a chronological read - or at least they gain from each other as they go along, which is great!! What I think I will do is order "Asterix the Gaul" from the library over my Christmas break and take it from there...

I'm somewhat perturbed, however, by the fact that most people on here (I read all posts on the General Chit-chat part when I was looking for info. for my essay and then later when I found I was just interested.) say that there is not much positive out-put from the "Asterix" series after when Goscinny died. This is a shame. Although, being an Art student (in the sense that I am a Literary student) I know that often artists can't write - - and often writers can't draw!!!  ::)

Re: The best way to read 'Asterix'.

Beitrag: #Beitrag invisifan »

They should definitely be read in order - even if they were handed to you in no particular order & copyright dates blanked out you could put them in order ...

There's a definite evolution, running gags (like the pirates), and development of secondary characters that is best appreciated in order. It's true that it took a couple of albums to hit a consistent stride, but even the low points are pretty good ... as for the later albums, well, they're different, the inevitable change in style is a shock and hard to accept for a lot of people, but ... they're still worth reading too. And everyone's tastes are different - you might like them ;)

Re: The best way to read 'Asterix'.

Beitrag: #Beitrag Pinky »

The first time I ever saw Asterix was in a French textbook at school. I hated French, so I never though Asterix was actually a cool thing and never even bothered to find out who he was.

I agree that I might be into the Uderzo solo works because since I am so late coming to the books it won't be like, 'my childhood is ruined', it'll be like, 'the later books are somewhat different to the earlier ones', which will be cool. :)


Re: The best way to read 'Asterix'.

Beitrag: #Beitrag Coriza »

I agree with Sukisuix and invisifan, that the books should be read in the right order. I had known Asterix for years when I did that for the first time and was surprised by some things I hadn't noticed before. I had not known for a long time that the order the books appeared in Germany (and as well in other countries and languages as the English ones) was not the one they had been written in. E.g., in German, Cleopatra is no. 2, right after the Gaul. You do not know where Dogmatix comes from, and why Obelix greets the pirates as well known "friends".
The other things you might well find out for yourself, Pinky.
Have fun reading the adventures!

Re: The best way to read 'Asterix'.

Beitrag: #Beitrag Christine »

I agree with my fellows ; read them in order. Otherwise, you might be disconcerted, in particular by the physical change of the heroes.
When you're finished, do tell us what you think about the recent albums !
AsterIX Druid
Beiträge: 8111
Registriert: 8. August 2004 17:55
Wohnort: Deutschland

Re: The best way to read 'Asterix'.

Beitrag: #Beitrag Erik »


I agree, that is is best, to read the storys in the right order. But I think it wouldn't be that worse to make one or more exceptions from this reading order, if you can't get one or another of the books. The storys are almost all understandable without having read the previous ones.
Pinky hat geschrieben:I know that often artists can't write - - and often writers can't draw!!!
Oh, Goscinny was able to draw his own comics. Of course, he wasn't that good at this, but there are at least two comic series which were written and  drawn by René Goscinny: "Dick Dicks" and "Le capitaine Bibobu".

Whether Uderzo is a skilled comic writer is heavily disputed. But it is a fact that he has written 8 Asterix albums until now.

"Alle sollt ihr noch sehen, daß ich habe recht!" (Erik der Blonde, Die große Überfahrt, S. 5)

Re: The best way to read 'Asterix'.

Beitrag: #Beitrag geopolitix »

Yeah I agree that if possible, you should try to read it in the chronogical order, but I personnally think the first ones (though good) are not the best ones IMHO (and that the last ones are not the best either ... definitely)

Also in the first albums, the drawings are a bit awkward.

Here's the ones I advice you to read anyway :

1/ Legionary
2/ the roman agent
3/ Cleopatra  (done, right ?)
4/ the mansion of the gods
5/ Obelix & co.
6/ in Britain
7/ the normans
8/ the olympics
9/ the soothsayer
10/ The chieftain's shield
11/ in Corsica

And in the AR edition ones :

1/ the black gold       (not bad IMO)
2/ the magic carpet   (some funny stuff)


Re: The best way to read 'Asterix'.

Beitrag: #Beitrag shr »

I'm going to disagree, well sort of. I've never read the books in order so I can't comment on the benefits of doing so, but I don't feel particularly disadvantaged. With a couple of exceptions, there is little continuity from story to story, each is self-contained. The early stories are great but the Asterix world is not fully developed in them. An alternative reading strategy would be to start with the acknowledged classics - Cleopatra, Britain, Gladiator, Legionary - as they will be most likely to enthuse you to read the rest. Then read across the series in any order you like (the most recently published books are the weakest).

Of course, there is no wrong way to read Asterix!

Re: The best way to read 'Asterix'.

Beitrag: #Beitrag Bernard »

When I first started reading Asterix it was at a time when the albums were gradually being translated into English. But the point was that the English editions were not published in the same chronological order as the original French, and I also bought them in a random fashion i.e. as and when my source would have a particular album in stock - if they weren't self - contained stories of course I wouldn't have been able to do this. So I started with 'Britain' then 'Spain,' 'Olympic Games' etc. This didn't do my enthusiasm any harm at all. If I was now confronted with the enviable task of reading them all I would certainly, where possible, take them in chronological order, and gain my own awareness and appreciation of how the series develops as it has undergone more developments since those bygone days when I first read them IMHO.  :)  

Re: The best way to read 'Asterix'.

Beitrag: #Beitrag MantisQueen »

shr hat geschrieben:I've never read the books in order so I can't comment on the benefits of doing so, but I don't feel particularly disadvantaged ... Of course, there is no wrong way to read Asterix!
I'm in the same boat, though I first read the books in French. My excuse is that the primary school's library never had all the books, and those that the library did have were always being borrowed ... it was a case of grab whatever's there while you can.  Later I filled in the blanks with English Asterix books. Though I was young I did notice the difference in the art between books, and I remember that books from 1965 onwards tended to be more popular (Banquet onwards), probably for that reason ... the colouring was particularly psychedelic pre-1965 :o. (NB: this might be fixed/improved with newer editions but many fans poo-poo these editions.)

I agree that each adventure is self-contained and so can be read on its own ... you can make assumptions about relationships and past happenings from the actions and dialogue (though it is a bit bothersome that newer books make constant explained references) ... but that said, each book is improved by reading as part of a whole, so you recognise a running joke and feel anticipation when you see the pirates etc..

There are obvious benefits to reading the books in order ... Seeing how the characters evolve (their personalities and their appearence) is one and understanding why the characters do or say certain things (in reference to something that happened in a previous adventure) is another. But if you cannot get hold of the books in order, don't panic! ;) You won't be disadvantaged.

Re: The best way to read 'Asterix'.

Beitrag: #Beitrag Pinky »

Thank you for all your comments. As Coriza and Anticus say - the English order is not the written order. Anyone got a link to a list of the order they were written in? Cheers. :)

I'm gonna try and read them that way, but it's gonna be library-city, so it might just be what they've got!

I did love the pirates in 'Cleopatra when they smashed up their own boats to avoid Obelix!

Is it just me or does Obelix sound like 'oh, bollocks'? I think it's a joke! Just like one of the towns being called Laudanum.  :)

Pinky. x
AsterIX Druid
Beiträge: 8111
Registriert: 8. August 2004 17:55
Wohnort: Deutschland

Re: The best way to read 'Asterix'.

Beitrag: #Beitrag Erik »

Hello Pinky,
Pinky hat geschrieben:Anyone got a link to a list of the order they were written in? Cheers.
you'll find such a list at Katri's "Asterix Dictionary": (Choose "French" at the list to the left and then "Names 1-31" on the top of the page)


"Alle sollt ihr noch sehen, daß ich habe recht!" (Erik der Blonde, Die große Überfahrt, S. 5)

Re: The best way to read 'Asterix'.

Beitrag: #Beitrag Pinky »

Thanks very much, Erik. :)