Newspapers in the missing Scroll

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Newspapers in the missing Scroll

Beitrag: #Beitrag Jochgem »

In his German commentary of Asterix and the Missing Scroll Comedix shows the newspaper covers on page 6 of the book.
The journals Imago, Tempus, and Roma Generalis seem to be Roman time variants of BILD, die Zeit and Frankfurter Allgemeine.
The Roma Generalis has a logo-font inspired but its successor in modern times.
Beter explanations? Any more versions known? English, or even the French original?

Edit. I moved the Dutch version to a separate post for better readability.
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Re: Newspapers in the missing Scroll

Beitrag: #Beitrag Christian »

Intersting. If only somebody had translations of the late books at home... It is easier to collect these kind of things with Cleo et al.
However, a French, Spanish or English version should be found on somebody's bookshelf!?
Can you attach a scan of the Dutch panel?
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Re: Newspapers in the missing Scroll

Beitrag: #Beitrag Jochgem »

Since the page we are looking at is only the second of the book, I tried my luck with "have a look" of a large online bookshop. So here is the English edition of the newspapers. Please comment on Custos, Tempora, and Telegraphicus. It would also be interesting to know whether the used fonts match the logo of the original newspapers.
One comment. Note English-Latin "Custos" is twice as expensive as German-Latin Imago :)
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Re: Newspapers in the missing Scroll

Beitrag: #Beitrag Christian »

Custos should be "The Guardian" , Tempora "The Times" and Telegraphus "The Telegraph". None of the the logos really matches the respective original, least of all Custos.
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Re: Newspapers in the missing Scroll

Beitrag: #Beitrag Jochgem »

The Dutch translation of the book has Fides, Mane. and Diurna Populi. Users jaap and Idefiks explain that these refer to Trouw (Fidelity), De Morgen (The Morning), and De Volkskrant (Peoples Newspaper), for instance via the translations of the names and the fonts used in the logos. Wikipedia also mentions that "Acta Diurna" is the name of a government gazette, "Daily acts".

Below the logos of the original newspapers. I see similarities, in font-style, but especially the colour and dot of MaNe. are well done.
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Re: Newspapers in the missing Scroll

Beitrag: #Beitrag Idefiks »

In the French album the newspapers are "Ecce", "hic Roma" and "Mundus Litterarum".
My guess respectively "Le Figaro", "Le Parisien" and "Le Monde".
Note the salesprice of the first paper 1 sesters in France and Germany, 2 in the UK...

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Re: Newspapers in the missing Scroll

Beitrag: #Beitrag WeissNix »

Idefiks hat geschrieben: 26. August 2019 16:39 Note the salesprice of the first paper 1 sesters in France and Germany, 2 in the UK...
Maybe in cause of BREXIT? ;-)
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Re: Newspapers in the missing Scroll

Beitrag: #Beitrag Jochgem »

Idefiks hat geschrieben: 26. August 2019 16:39 In the French album the newspapers are "Ecce", "hic Roma" and "Mundus Litterarum".
My guess respectively "Le Figaro", "Le Parisien" and "Le Monde".
Thanks for the names used in the French original. Great! I immediately put Google to work, and found an article in an Italian magazine on classical Latin litterature, by Maria Chiara Scappaticcio, titled «Ils sont fous, ces Romains!», in ClassicoContemporaneo 3 (2017).
Footnote 37 there has a lot of information on the newspaper titles in various translated editions.
ClassicoContemporaneo hat geschrieben:Nell’originale francese si parla, infatti, di Ecce (latino, di cui la testata Voici è traduzione), di Hic Roma (un riferimento al settimanale Paris Match) e di Mundus Litterarum (evidente allusione a Le Monde littéraire)
The French-Latin Ecce, Hic Roma and Mundus Litterarum are matched with Voici, Paris Match and Le Monde littéraire
ClassicoContemporaneo hat geschrieben:la versione italiana, invece, ha Expressum (evidentemente a simboleggiare L’Espresso), Er Messaggero (eco de Il Messaggero) e Solis XXIV (allusione al Sole 24 ore, e verosimilmente al domenicale).
The Italian version has Expressum, Er Messaggero and Solis XXIV, which seem to correspond to L’Espresso, Il Messaggero and Sole 24 ore. Of course it would be nice to have a picture here, and someone familiar with Italy to confirm.

Then the English-Latin titles are given and their origin confirmed (Guardian, Times and Telegraph). But for the German Latin Imago, the original Spiegel is suggested. Don't agree, and Comedix is the better source!

Finally we learn the Spanish-Latin and their originals.
ClassicoContemporaneo hat geschrieben:e quella spagnola (con Abecedarium, Quid legere e Mundus Litterarum, che alludono a ABC, Leer e El Mundo)
Again, any confirmation would be great!
Hendrik Jan

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Re: Newspapers in the missing Scroll

Beitrag: #Beitrag Jochgem »

Jochgem hat geschrieben: 27. August 2019 03:36 The French-Latin Ecce, Hic Roma and Mundus Litterarum are matched with Voici, Paris Match and Le Monde littéraire
Many years of Latin education, but a slow mind. French-Latin newspaper Hic Roma of course is Ici Paris. Even the logo's match.
ici paris.jpg
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