Miraculix without his long moustaches and his long beard? Wow, I can't even begin to imagine what he would look like, if he shaved all his facial hair off. Even in the book about how Obelix fell into the potion pot, which took place back when Asterix and Obelix still were children, he was already looking old.
Ok I know it is very difficult, but if anyone can do it than it is you. I play poker online and my nicknames are crazybat, crazybat11 or sweetbat. So no wonder , if I have some crazy ideas,
but I think I made you a bit curious to look at Mirculix without a beard too, am I right?
I think its a try worth. I am a bit older than you, ok double it and add 1, but you will soon
discover that I am the biggest kid you ever saw. Making my 10th holiday at Disneyland Paris
next month, I will try, if I find a way to see Asterixparc one of the days, but I am really
scared of the metro and come back in time to my hotel, maybe I find someone, who is
interested going to the parc too. I have a bit more than 2500 barbiedolls and wish one day
I will get a Falbala as barbiedoll.