Do you collect Asterix books in hardcover or softcover?

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Do you collect Asterix books in hardcover or softcover?

Beitrag: # 11684Beitrag Rainet »

I grew up reading the softcovers from school librairies when i was young. Now that i'm in my 30's and decides to relive a bit of my youth i want to collect most of the books. I think hardcover would be the way to go for the long run. Sturdier etc. Just wondering what you members prefer. :P

Beitrag: # 11685Beitrag SingingGandalf »

Definately hardback. I have found that with my paperback Tintin books, they become so tatty that I should have bought hardback first, and I am now trying to update my collection. I now only get Asterix in hardback.
AsterIX Elder Council Member
Beiträge: 456
Registriert: 13. November 2001 11:58
Wohnort: Leiden, The Netherlands

Beitrag: # 11686Beitrag Jochgem »

Hardcover definitely has a better look. But then you have to compare prices. The Dutch softcover edition costs 6€ for a book, while the special hardcover is priced at 13€.
At American Amazon I found prices that were typically something like 9.95€ (softcover) versus 10.36€ or 10.62€ (hardcover). For that small difference I would not hesitate.

HJ "Jochgem"
Hendrik Jan

Asterix in 100+ translations at:

Beitrag: # 11693Beitrag shr »

If you can afford it, try to get the hardbacks. I bought mostly paperbacks when I was a kid and now most are falling apart. Fortunately, I was given a complimentary set of the Orion hardbacks and they are beautifully produced editions, superior in every respect to the original UK versions.
AsterIX Druid
Beiträge: 8183
Registriert: 8. August 2004 17:55
Wohnort: Deutschland

Beitrag: # 11694Beitrag Erik »

Jochgem hat geschrieben:Hardcover definitely has a better look.
I agree that HC has a better look, but I like more the softcover editions anyway. SC has two main advantages: On the one hand the SC editions are better to read, as the jacket is elastic. On the other hand they need much less room in your collection. The last argument might sound a bit weak, but if your space is as limited as it is in my home, you'll understand what I mean. :wink:

"Alle sollt ihr noch sehen, daß ich habe recht!" (Erik der Blonde, Die große Überfahrt, S. 5)