New Asterix collector

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New Asterix collector

Beitrag: # 11463Beitrag azzurro »

Hi, I'm Raffaele from Italy.
I was only an Italian Asterix collector. Actually I've decided to become an international Asterix collector... or better I'd like to try it..!!!
I've began few months ago, looking Asterix issues first of all on ebay.
Obviously I'm not able finding it in a huge amount of languages!!!!
Could you help me?
I actually cannot swap Asterix issues and so I'd like to buy it!
I don't know if you could prefer me to write the "wish list" or if you want to offer your issues.
Thamks in advance, Raffaele

Beitrag: # 11465Beitrag Sukisuix »

Hi Raffaele. Welcome to the forum. I used to only collect in my own language, then I started to collect other languages. It is great to see the other languages. Languages I had never seen written before. Also to see the quality of printing, and the little changes, like the newspaper in Cleopatra.

I have a few extras. If you put up your wishlist, maybe I could help you or someone else could.


Beitrag: # 11473Beitrag azzurro »

Hi again!
Well, to say the truth my wish list could be very very very long!
Actually I'll write only the languages I have no idea how to find...!!!
I'm not looking for specific publishers...
-Finnish (and dialects Karelian, Savo, Rauma, Stadi)
-Rumantsch (Grishun, Sursilvan, Vallader)

That's all folks!!!!
Thanks for your replies and help

Beitrag: # 11481Beitrag SingingGandalf »

I am also interested in getting a Welsh book - I'm pretty sure that I saw one on eBay once, so I think that they are around. They may not have been published in Flemish, though, as some other comics weren't. Flemish speakers just got given Dutch copies. Even 'Suske en Wiske' (aka 'Bob and Bobette' in France and U.K., 'Willy and Wanda' in U.S. and 'Spike and Suzy' in new U.K. editions), a very popular Flemish comic, was at one time not available in Flemish as people in The Netherlands apparently couldn't understand some of it, but Flemish people could read Dutch! And that was a very popular comic, probably the 3rd most popular in Europe (after Tintin and Asterix).
Zuletzt geändert von SingingGandalf am 15. Juni 2006 16:35, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

Beitrag: # 11485Beitrag walter282 »


I'm an international collector for 5 years now, and I'm stilli looking for three langauges: Japanes, Hindi and Sursilvan.

At this moment I can help you with Norwegian and Welsh although the Welsh one, has writting marks on the front and backcover.

Some other languages are availble at online bookshops, have a look at
Maybe I can find Asterix comics in Flemmish and Frisian, but I'm not sure, and other Dutch related languages, like Twents, Limburgian, Antwerps, Gents.


AsterIX Elder Council Member
Beiträge: 456
Registriert: 13. November 2001 11:58
Wohnort: Leiden, The Netherlands

Beitrag: # 11487Beitrag Jochgem »

SingingGandalf hat geschrieben:They may not have been published in Flemish, though, as some other comics weren't. Flemish speakers just got given Dutch copies.
When AlbertRene took over publishing of the series starting with the Uderzo books, for a while a separate edition was made for Flandres. Perfectly readable for us here in NL except for a few expressions perhaps. They even had to mark the edition on the cover. After a while the publisher stopped the Flemish series and now distributes one edition for Flandres and Netherlands.

Similar stories go for Spanish/'Argentinian' and English/'American'.

HJ "Jochgem"
Hendrik Jan

Asterix in 100+ translations at:

Beitrag: # 11489Beitrag SingingGandalf »

Hi azurro
If you collect the books in differant languages, maybe you would be interested in collecting other Asterix related books too, like 'Cooking with Asterix', 'How Obelix fell into the magic potion when he was a little boy', 'Find Asterix', the Dogmatix books and 'The Asterix poster book'. I don't know if these are available in Italian though.

Beitrag: # 11492Beitrag azzurro »

Hi Gandalf,
I've bought the Italian version of those books and in particular "How Obelix...", "find asterix" and the Dogmatix books.
I don't know "cooking with asterix" and "the asterix poster book".
I was looking for even "Le chaudron d'Asterix" and the other four books I've read about in this forum on another post...
Regards, Raffaele

Beitrag: # 11496Beitrag Sukisuix »

azzurro hat geschrieben:Hi Gandalf,
"the asterix poster book".
The poster book has 12 copies of covers of the albums, and on the back of each poster is an explanation of the book. This is a nice book.
azzurro hat geschrieben:I was looking for even "Le chaudron d'Asterix" and the other four books I've read about in this forum on another post...
Regards, Raffaele
The four that you are referring to are limited editions and go for quite alot of money. I always say if I win the lotto I would buy these editions, but at the moment I just have to dream :???:
AsterIX Elder Council Member
Beiträge: 456
Registriert: 13. November 2001 11:58
Wohnort: Leiden, The Netherlands

Beitrag: # 11602Beitrag Jochgem »

walter282 hat geschrieben:other Dutch related languages, like Twents, Limburgian, Antwerps, Gents.
For international collectors, the Twents and Limburgian are now offered at Dutch at reasonable prizes.

Ne gesjichte van Asterix de Galliér Advertentienr.:3944074713

Limburgse Asterix Ne Gansen Toer Advertentienr.:3990231113
Asterix en Obelix 'ne gansen toer - Limburgse tekst Advertentienr.:3807636013

The bidding system here is not clear to me. It seems the seller decides when the object is sold, so no end-time.

ps. And Frisian (several) and Flemish ...

Friese editie van Asterix - de grutte kleau Advertentienr.:3609833513
Asterix De gouden sichte Advertentienr.:3515589213
Friese editie van Asterix - de goljer Advertentienr.:3609789113

Asterix vlaamse uitgave De Odyssee van Asterix 1981 Advertentienr.:3403096713

HJ "Jochgem"
Hendrik Jan

Asterix in 100+ translations at:

Beitrag: # 11603Beitrag SingingGandalf »

azzurro hat geschrieben:I was looking for even "Le chaudron d'Asterix" and the other four books I've read about in this forum on another post...
Regards, Raffaele
The four that you are referring to are limited editions and go for quite alot of money. I always say if I win the lotto I would buy these editions, but at the moment I just have to dream :???:
Hi, could someone please tell me what these books are, as they do not appear to be the books with writing and pictures.
Zuletzt geändert von SingingGandalf am 28. Juni 2006 21:41, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
AsterIX Druid
Beiträge: 8183
Registriert: 8. August 2004 17:55
Wohnort: Deutschland

Beitrag: # 11618Beitrag Erik »

Sukisuix hat geschrieben:
azzurro hat geschrieben:Hi Gandalf,
"the asterix poster book".
The poster book has 12 copies of covers of the albums, and on the back of each poster is an explanation of the book.
We are talking about this book, right? Well, my copy of this book contains only 11 posters. As each poster is made of pasteboard, it doesn't seem to be enough space in the book to have ever contained a 12th one. But anyway I would like to get sure now, whether my copy is complete. It contains posters of Britain, Galdiator, Big Fight, Olympic Games, Normans, Obelix and Co., Corsica, Belgium, Gaul, Great Crossing and Spain (in this oder).

So, could you please tell me to which Asterix album the 12th poster in your copy of this book is belonging to, Sukisuix?

And a little hint for the "new" collectors from GB: You can buy this book for a small price at ... e&n=266239
SingingGandalf hat geschrieben:could someone please tell me what these books are
You are talking about the books, I linked to in this thread, I'm afraid. As I told you in there, I unfortunately do not own many of these books. But as I observe the auctions frequently, I can tell you a bit.

"Le Chaudron d'Astérix" is a commercial comic book from "Cochonou". It contains one page with a "new" Asterix short comic called "Astérix sur la piste de Cochonou". This is made with original drawings from the Asterix albums, which are modified a little bit here and there. The rest of the album contains a strictly shortened version of Asterix and the Chauldron.

"Le secret du Cabanon" is a commercial album made for the company "le cabanon". This book contains modified scenes from the comics with modified (french) texts. I'm not quite sure, but it doesn't seem to tell a complete story. Beneath the comic-scene on each page there is a text block, which does not seem to have to do anything with Asterix. It is probably just commercial text.

"Scope - Le poteau magique" is a commercial comic made for the company "PPB". It contains 10 comic pages with an Asterix comic about the building of a house with the "Scope" structure system. The drawings are taken from the Asterix albums but were extremely modified. The backgrounds and some new characters are new - but obviously not from Albert Uderzo, of course.

"Astérix et le secret des primeurs nantais" is a softcover commercial album made for "Maraîchers nantais". It contains recipes illustrated with Asterix characters.

I can't tell you anything about "Le viaduc à fromages", except the fact that it was sold a few days ago at for more than 330 €. That's much too much for my taste.

Zuletzt geändert von Erik am 27. Juni 2006 16:32, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
"Alle sollt ihr noch sehen, daß ich habe recht!" (Erik der Blonde, Die große Überfahrt, S. 5)

Beitrag: # 11621Beitrag Sukisuix »

I must say sorry to Erik, there is only 11 posters in the Poster book. I slap myself on my wrists, for being so silly and counting them wrong. I am so :oops: and sorry.
AsterIX Druid
Beiträge: 8183
Registriert: 8. August 2004 17:55
Wohnort: Deutschland

Beitrag: # 11622Beitrag Erik »

Hello Sukisuix,

doesn't matter, thanks for the clarification. Now I don't have to be afraid any longer my copy could be incomplete. So, I'm happy with this piece of information. :wink:

"Alle sollt ihr noch sehen, daß ich habe recht!" (Erik der Blonde, Die große Überfahrt, S. 5)

Beitrag: # 11626Beitrag SingingGandalf »

Thanks Erik - your Asterix knowledge knows no bounds! I have seen a book very similar to these, but it doesn't appear to be one of them. I'll try and find out more.


It isn't one of them, it is about Asterix's voyages or something, or at least that what it appears to be from the cover, which is the only information given. It has a similar picture to those other books though. It is in French.

It's good of you to link to the poster book on amazon Erik, it is currently something I do not have, though it is an amazon seller selling it, and not amazon itself, and the seller doesn't give the condition. I'd rather play safe and spend £7 on one on eBay and know that it has all the pages and is in a good condition.